EYOT in the top society of the modern world jazz scene
The premiere of the video for the composition „Heartbeat“ musical composition EYOT announced a fifth album called „557799“ which will be released on October 23, 2020 for the American publishing house “Ropeadope”. This title of the album represents a rhythmic scheme in bars of five, seven and nine eighths,...
Preletite Niš za osam minuta: Grad i priroda prikazani u ritmičkoj igri (VIDEO)
U osam minuta moguće je preleteti Niš, otići u divljinu, a mnogo duže traje muzikom inspirisana zapitanost nad prirodom i našim mestom u njoj. Nakon spektakularnog koncerta za prirodu koji su priredili na grebenu Suve planine, niški sastav EYOT slikom i zvukom vodi nas na specifično putovanje po Nišu...